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Add Post id to post title via ACFE Form
When creating posts via a ACFE Form in order to have unique titles i like to use the post id but this leave me with a bit of a cart before the horse situation how can i add the id when the Post hasn’t been created thankfully ACFE has a hook for that:   <?php […]

When creating posts via a ACFE Form in order to have unique titles i like to use the post id but this leave me with a bit of a cart before the horse situation how can i add the id when the Post hasn’t been created thankfully ACFE has a hook for that:



add_action('acfe/form/submit/post/form=add-post', 'my_form_post_save', 10, 5);
function my_form_post_save($post_id, $type, $args, $form, $action){

 $updated_details = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => "Post #$post_id",
'post_author' => 0,
wp_update_post( $updated_details );


