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Make the Front page Static
I might want a blog to be part of my site but i defiantly don,t want it taking over my front page. so time to delve into the WordPress settings (one of the worst laid out settings pages i have ever seen) From the admin dashboard click on Pages->Add New Give it a title of Home and […]

I might want a blog to be part of my site but i defiantly don,t want it taking over my front page.
so time to delve into the WordPress settings (one of the worst laid out settings pages i have ever seen)

  1. From the admin dashboard click on Pages->Add New
  2. Give it a title of Home and click Publish
  3. From the admin dashboard click on settings->Reading
  4. Select A static page (option not there if no page exists) and select HomeScreen Shot 2013-10-29 at 3.33.30 PM
  5. Save changes you should now be loading that static page