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Programatic ACF Locations

Now i am using ACF for front end forms a lot more i needed to show the same form with different fields based on location add_filter('acf/get_field_group', 'my_change_field_group'); function my_change_field_group($group) { $pid = get_the_ID(); if ( $pid == 2218...

Wp cron

This is a little post to remind me how to setup a wp cron will grow to be helpfull over time fist don't try it with code (not that hard but just clunky to track) insted use this plugin:WP Crontrol Setup is pretty self explanatory add cron event with the required...

WP site health URL

Our company switches off site health display with a code snippet in the child theme because we find that the notifications are not beneficial to our clients for example telling the client running php 7.2 is a critical security issue just worries them and tie up our...

Adding JavaScript variables via PHP

This is quite useful when you have several JavaScript functions which requires to define url (e.g. ajax calls). Rather than hardcoding link inside each function we can specify one variable. In this way, it can be used in different functions. Creating the function...

Remove post Author from post

Sometimes when i’m developing a membership site i need to test assigning a post author if the code was not right the first time its good to be able to remove the author rather than having to start a new test. <?php $arg = array( ‘ID’ => 8378,...

ACF Group Loop

Need to loop through all ACF fields in a group? So basicly grab the group id from the backed the acf_get fields function will grab all children of the group then loop through and do what you want with it next up figguring out how to do this for a targeted post (not...